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home bartender - We're Working on a Building {part one}

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Just like the Carter Family, we've been working on a building. Specifically, we've been working on 516 West Jackson Avenue in Downtown Knoxville, Tennessee. This will be the home of Knox Whiskey Works, Knoxville's first Craft Distillery! It's been an amazing and exciting time for us and we thought it might be nice to share some pictures of the work we've accomplished thus far. Below is where we began back in July 2014. Eager faces, strong backs and absolutely no idea of the amount of work we had signed on for!

Interior KWW Earliest_edited.jpg

We started demolition and cleaning out the old historic building straight away. Interestingly, it is thought our distillery space was at one time associated with the former McClung Warehouses that stood directly across Jackson Avenue until their untimely demise.

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Demolition took a little longer than expected. Knoxville has a long history of fine architects and solid builders. The sturdiness of this stage was the proof of their ability.

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Below is a view of the front portion of the building. The tasting room and retail area will be on the left.

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Once the building was cleared, the old concrete floor was removed and we prepped for the installation of drains, plumbing, electrical and a new concrete floor.

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KWW Drain Buildout 1.jpg

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Everything in life worth building starts with a strong and solid foundation. Jesse McAlvin and his crew from JCM Construction continue to do an amazing job building out the distillery!

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The floor is prepped and ready for the BIG CONCRETE POUR! Join us next time as the distillery continues to grow!

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